BREAKING: Coworker Leaves Work Early for Some Bullshit Reason

Austin Mooney
2 min readOct 29, 2020


Andrea, 22, shortly after asking if she can leave early for some bullshit reason.
Andrea, 22, shortly after asking if she can leave work early for some bullshit reason.

CHICAGO, IL — Employees at a Whole Foods in the Lakeview area of Chicago reported only moments ago that their coworker Andrea, 22, left work early for a bullshit reason despite the fact that she is scheduled for closing duties. “She said she would TRY to help with closing duties a little bit, but she would need to leave early because she doesn’t want to miss her train,” Don Murphy, 27, told his fellow coworkers, “We all ride the train. There will be other trains. That’s how trains work you fucking idiot.” Many witnesses say this is not the first time Andrea has left work early for some bullshit reason. “She left early and stuck me with a bunch of closing duty shit a few days ago because she said she forgot to take her break,” reported fellow Whole Foods employee Brandon Emerick, 24, “I was like, bitch that’s not my problem. You should have taken your break. Then she left anyway.” It is unclear whether management will step in to correct Andrea’s naïve and unprofessional behavior or if her coworkers will simply keep sending passive aggressive end-of-day emails to the rest of the store stating that employees need to stay until the end of their assigned shifts.



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