Poll Indicates Americans Want to See One of These Billionaire Space Travel Groups Explode Just Once

Austin Mooney
2 min readOct 18, 2021


Pictured: Computer-generated image of a spaceship full of billionaires exploding.

UNITED STATES — A recent poll online created “just for fun” by the US Census Bureau has found that 65% of the US population wants to see one of the many upcoming recreational space flights containing extremely wealthy passengers explode at least once. “Once would be enough for me, but man, I want to see one of those cocky ass groups of rich people just absolutely explode during a live stream,” Kennedy Pilgrim, 43, said in a Word document attached to the poll despite reading clear directions against such behavior, “Just shake shit up for rich people, you know? They’ll probably keep flying to space, but they’ll be more scared. They’ll say, fuck, I don’t want to explode. You know?” William Shatner, 90, star of over five Priceline commercials, recently flew to space for a total of 10 minutes on a spaceship created by Jeff Bezos’s company Blue Origin. Bezos, 57, flew to space earlier this year for 11 minutes, making sure to retain the title he has dubbed “majority time holder” for spaceflights carried out by his rockets. The poll sparked a flurry of hot takes online, prompting the creation of an app where users can now bet on whether upcoming recreational flights occupied by millionaires and billionaires will explode. The app gained stunning popularity in its first few weeks, causing it to increase in worth to over one billion dollars USD. The creator of the app, Sarah Laughlin, 35, has stated that she will be using some of the money from her business to fund research for private space travel technology.

Do you want to see one of these wealthy space travel groups explode just once for the entire world to witness? Let us know in the comments!



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