Poll Indicates People with Back Acne Should Just Go Ahead and Keep That Shirt on Playa

Austin Mooney
2 min readJul 5, 2021


Pictured: A back that should have a shirt on.
Pictured: A back missing a shirt.

UNITED STATES — A recent poll online attracted a lot of attention when it posed the yes or no question of whether people with back acne should keep their shirts on while in public. “I mean, most people with back acne are white as hell anyway,” Megan Boniface, 33, commented on the poll, “pasty white skin plus back acne is a recipe for disaster in the sun. It hurts to look at, and I’m assuming it must hurt to experience.” The poll attracted over a million votes, with over 80% of the votes saying that people with back acne should keep their shirts on while in public. Back acne can be caused by a variety of reasons ranging from genetics to the use of weight training supplements. “I saw this dude who looked like he was definitely taking steroids, and his back acne was so gross. He was riding a motorized scooter like he was Batman or some shit, and I was like, this asshole thinks he gets to take his shirt off?” Marcus Donovan, 28, also posted on the poll, “Nah, fuck that. You just go ahead and keep that shirt on playa.” The idea of radical self-acceptance has increased in popularity over the last few years, leading some people to believe that they should be confident in their bodies no matter what they look like. However, the internet has confirmed that in the case of back acne, most people should go ahead and keep that shirt on.



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